
Advantages of Single Page Website

Have you ever though how beneficial a single page website can be? Most of the people find it less effective due to limited space and exposure. The reality is opposite. It makes a perfect solution for some of the small websites with limited pages. Ease of maintenance is one of the most important benefits among the long list of benefits of owning a single page website. Find below the advantages of this website and the situations when these make a perfect solution.

Single page designs might not be suitable for all the projects, but for some, these work wonders.

Easy navigation

Complicated navigation becomes the reason of failure of some of the websites, but in case of a single page website, you don’t need to bother about it at all. A user just needs to scroll down. They can jump from one section to another by scrolling. If you want, you can make it easier for your visitors by including arrows.

Easy maintenance

From coding to regular updates, everything is easy on single page websites than multi-page site. It is also quick. Only the complex website will take time, but still it will be less than a multi-page website. Maintenance of these websites is extremely easy and less time consuming. These website also work fast.


The widely used concept in single page websites is storytelling angle. It also boosts conversions and encourages the visitors to take desired action. A professional website designing & development company perfectly understands this and designs a feature rich website.

‘KISS’ approach

Though it goes against the above mentioned point, you need to strike a balance between the both. By opting for a single page website, you can follow the ‘KISS’ keep it simple and straight approach. As you have limited space to deliver your message, you need to keep the content precise and crisp. You just need to get to the point.

High SEO potential

A website’s performance in search engines is decided by the quality of inbound links. SEO is a permanent traffic source for all the websites in online market. By having a one page website, you need to focus only on quality of one page. It increases your chances of getting found and getting quality links. You can also take help of an experienced SEO company in your area and can avail their SEO services.

Eradicate need of mobile sites

With the increasing use of mobile phones and other devices for internet browsing, responsive websites have become a necessity. It gets very difficult for multi-page website, but for single page website, this is too easy. It simplifies navigation and makes the website work well on different screen sizes.

Suitability of a single page website:

As mentioned above, single page websites are beneficial, but these might not fit in requirements of every business. There are few situations where single page website makes a right choice.

• If you are asking your web design company to design website with a handful of pages, save money and time by turning it into a single page website. It gives the website a modern look.

• A single page website is a perfect choice for pre-launch websites.


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